OSHA has announced a proposed delay in the effective date of the final rule entitled Occupational Exposure to Beryllium, from March 21, 2017, to May 20, 2017. The announcement follows a White House memorandum that directed the Labor Department to undertake a review of any new or pending regulations and temporarily postpone their effective dates. The proposed delay will allow OSHA an opportunity for further review and consideration of the rule.
OSHA published the Final Rule to Protect Workers from Beryllium Exposure on Jan. 9, 2017. The rule was formulated to prevent chronic beryllium disease and lung cancer in American workers by limiting their exposure to beryllium and beryllium compounds, and contains standards for general industry, construction and shipyards. The proposed extension of the effective date will not affect the compliance dates of the beryllium rule.
For more information visit OSHA’s Beryllium Exposure Final Rule webpage.