OSHA Outreach Trainers who are interested in maintaining their authorized trainer status are required to attend an update course related to their specialty every four (4) years.
General Industry Outreach Trainers need to attend OSHA #503-Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers. This 3-day course provides an update on OSHA general industry standards and OSHA policies and is a refresher course for those who have completed OSHA #501-Trainer Course for General Industry.
Construction Industry Outreach Trainers need to attend OSHA #502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers. This 3-day refresher course provides an update on such topics as OSHA construction standards, policies and regulations for those who have completed OSHA #500 Trainer Course for the Construction Industry.
Maritime Industry Outreach Trainers need to attend OSHA #5402 Update for Maritime Industry Trainers. This 3-day refresher course provides an update on OSHA maritime industry standards, maritime hazards and acceptable corrective measures for those who have completed OSHA #5400 Trainer Course for the Maritime Industry.
Disaster Site Worker Outreach Trainers need to attend OSHA #5602 Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainers. This 3-day refresher course provides an update on new technical and regulatory information related to disaster response for those who have completed OSHA #5600 Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course.