OSHA 5600 – Disaster Site Worker Trainer Course
Course Description
This course prepares experienced Outreach Training Program trainers to present OSHA 7.5-hr and 15-hr Disaster Site Worker Courses, intended for second responders (those arriving hours or days after the event).
Students are provided the opportunity to practice knowledge and skills through discussion, planned exercises, demonstrations, and presentations.
Students must prepare a presentation on an assigned disaster site worker topic individually or as part of a group. Successful completion of this course authorizes students to become trainers in the Disaster Site Worker Outreach Training Program and to issue cards to participants after verifying course completion.
Learn to:
- Describe the purpose and use of an Incident Command System
- Recognize disaster site health and safety hazards
- Recognize and demonstrate proper use of respiratory protection equipment
- Identify required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Describe methods of decontamination
Topics include:
- National Response Framework
- Incident Command System
- Disaster Work Zone Safety Respiratory Protection
- Communication issues
- Elements of Successful Adult Training Programs
- Safety and Health Standards at Natural and Human-made Disaster Sites
Important Class Information:
- It is recommended that each student bring a laptop for use in preparing presentations.
- Outreach Training Program trainers are required to attend OSHA #5602 Update for Disaster Site Worker Trainer course at least every four (4) years to maintain their Outreach Training Program trainer authorization.
OSHA #500 Trainer Course for the Construction Industry OR OSHA #501 Trainer Course for General Industry, have a minimum of three (3) years safety training experience, and have completed a 40-hour HAZWOPER training within the past five (5) years, OR 8-hour HAZWOPER refresher within the past 12 months OR possession of journey-level credentials in a building trade union.
Continuing Education Units
- CEUs – 2.4
- Payment by credit card, check or purchase order or call 1-866-936-6742.
- This class can be taught at your facility. Call 1-866-936-6742.