OSHA 5109 – Cal/OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry

Course Description

Developed in partnership with Cal/OSHA, this 4-day course emphasizes Title 8 construction industry standards and compliance.

Topics include:

  • Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)
  • Fall protection
  • Lock out/tag out
  • Cranes
  • Confined space
  • Excavations
  • Silica
  • Hazard communication
  • Scaffolding
  • Electrical Safety
  • Heat Illness Prevention
  • Many other safety topics

The course also provides existing OSHA Outreach Trainers an endorsement authorizing them to teach 10-hour and 30-hour Cal/OSHA construction outreach courses.

In 2010 Cal/OSHA and Federal OSHA established a partnership wherein authorized Federal Outreach Trainers, who fulfill additional eligibility requirements, can also teach Federal 10 and 30 Hour courses based on the California Code of Regulations, Title 8. The same requirements apply in the delivery of the Cal/OSHA 10 and 30 Hour Outreach Courses. For more information go to OSHA Outreach Training: Cal/OSHA Partnership Program.

NOTE: For those who want to receive a Cal/OSHA Outreach Trainer certification, additional prerequisites are: OSHA #500 Trainer course for the Construction Industry or OSHA #502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers (must be a current trainer) AND one year of Cal/OSHA construction safety experience.




Individuals who wish to be authorized by OSHA to teach the Cal/OSHA versions of the 10- and 30-hour Construction Outreach Training Program classes must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Must be a current authorized OSHA Construction Industry Outreach Training Program trainer OR become an authorized OSHA Construction Industry Outreach Training Program trainer within six (6) months after completing OSHA 5109 class. Trainers should note that the Cal/OSHA Partnership endorsement expires on the same date as their authorized Outreach trainer card.
  2. Must have a minimum of one year of verifiable safety and health experience with an organization governed by Cal/OSHA standards. Outreach Trainers will be required to sign a “Statement of Eligibility” form, prior to, or in their Cal/OSHA Partnership authorization course.
  3. Complete OSHA #5109 Cal/OSHA Standards for Construction the Industry. Outreach trainers are not required to take the Cal/OSHA Partnership Trainer course from the same OTI Education Center from which they took their Federal Construction Outreach Training Program trainer course. Trainer will receive a separate card indicating their trainer authorization.

Trainers who receive their OSHA Outreach Training Program trainer card after completing OSHA #5109 Cal/OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry class must contact the OTI Education Center which sponsored the Cal/OSHA Partnership class they participated in to sign a “Statement of Eligibility” form and receive their Cal/OSHA Construction Industry Outreach trainer card.

Note: If you are attending this course to become an authorized trainer with the Cal/OSHA emphasis, please complete and submit the following prior to attending class:

  1. Statement of Compliance
  2. Statement of Eligibility
  3. A copy of your current Construction Industry outreach trainer card (OSHA 500).

Continuing Education Units

  • CEUs – 3.0


  1. Payment by credit card, check or purchase order or call 1-866-936-6742.
  2. This class can be taught at your facility. Call 1-866-936-6742.

Visa MasterCard American Express

Upcoming Course Dates