Kahleen Nowak
Kahleen has accumulated a diverse background of health and safety expertise which has become one of her influences as a safety trainer and a driving force to elevate her classroom experience by training with compassion, desire and impact. Her career began as a union laborer working in traffic control and flagging and soon escalated to working in heavy civil and underground engineering; including grading and paving, sewer, water and drainpipe installation; sitework that covered worksites throughout Sonoma, Solano, Marin and Bay Area counties. Kahleen’s professional safety career took root in Rail Construction with public sector projects: SMART train, Ebart and OHIT Railyard/ Port of Oakland which developed a greater passion for safety through education and training. Nestled in between years in construction Kahleen pursued her talents and desires in the culinary arts completing her professional training opening and operating a restaurant for 5 years in Sonoma County wine country. For the past five years Kahlee has been working in both the general industry sector with a start-up group she consults for in the cannabis space. Kahleen is an Outreach Trainer for both Construction, General Industry and is an Instructor at CLPCCD