Workplace safety inspections are an effective method of hazard control and can provide a systematic method for companies to involve supervisors, employees, safety coordinators and/or safety committees in the process of eliminating workplace hazards.
What to include
When conducting a safety inspection, it’s important to look at the organization’s entire safety program, including:
- Processes
- Equipment
- Workplace environment
- Employee training
- Emergency plans
How often?
Safety inspections should be conducted at least every six months.
Who conducts the safety inspections?
The most effective inspections are done by employees familiar with the workplace, task or job. One suggestion is to have a supervisor and an employee from the area work together.
Handling inspection findings
Follow-up on the findings of safety inspections is critical, including:
- Developing a correction for each problem
- Setting a deadline for the corrections
- Reviewing inspection reports for trends, persistent problems and factors contributing to problems
Conducting periodic safety inspections is an excellent way to ensure everyone’s commitment to safe work practices, provide practical training in safety awareness and minimize workplace hazards.
The OSHA Training Center is offering OTC 308 – Safety Inspection Techniques at its Dublin, California, location in April and August.
About the OSHA Training Center
The OSHA Training Center at Chabot-Las Positas Community College District offers high quality Occupational Safety & Health Administration standards-based training for construction, maritime and general industry at its Center in Dublin, California, as well as locations throughout California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii and Guam. Programs offered include OSHA safety standards, Outreach Trainer courses, Cal/OSHA standards curriculum, environmental courses and customized on-site safety training. For more information, including a complete course schedule, visit the OSHA Training Center website or call (866) 936-OSHA (6742).