The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is focused on expanding and accelerating its contributions to scientific knowledge of human health and the environment. The NIEHS Worker Training Program (WTP) has been tracking information about COVID-19 to help protect workers involved in emergency response and cleanup activities. The National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety and Health Training, funded by the NIEHS Worker Training Program, has created training tools to provide health and safety guidance to workers who work in industries with the potential for exposure to COVID-19.
General Awareness Training Tool
In English:
Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 in the Workplace (v2) PPT
Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 in the Workplace (v2) PDF
Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 in the Workplace (Online version)
En Español:
Protéjase del COVID-19 en el lugar de trabajo PPT
Protéjase del COVID-19 en el lugar de trabajo PDF
Essential and Returning Workers Training Tool
Protecting Workers from COVID-19 in the Workplace:Essential and Returning Workers Training Tool PPT
Protecting Workers from COVID-19 in the Workplace:Essential and Returning Workers Training Tool PDF
COVID-19 Toolbox
Can SARS-CoV-2, the Virus that Causes COVID-19 Disease, Be Spread by Blood? PDF
Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Eye Exposures and Infection PDF
Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 in the Workplace Fact Sheet PDF
Technology Tips for Virtual Meetings and Interactive Online Sessions PDF